What is Marketing?
Marketing Definitions
“Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with other”. - Philip Kotler’s
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. - American Marketing Association
The enigma of marketing is that it is one of man’s oldest activities and yet it is regarded as the most recent of the business disciplines. - Michael J. Baker, Marketing: Theory and Practice, 1st Edn, Macmillan, 1976
Management . . . the technique, practice, or science of managing or controlling; the skilful or resourceful use of materials, time, etc. - Collins Concise English Dictionary
What is Product Life Cycle concept?
Product Life Cycle (PLC) concept
Marketing myopia – a watershed
What are the Factors of Marketing Myopia?
Factors that causes Marketing Myopia.
- When a firm is only engrossed on selling its products and gives less importance to customer relationship building
- Producing goods in massive quantities without bothering about the scale of demand
- Forecasting growth without research
- A belief in growth as a natural consequence of an expanding population.
- A belief that there is no competitive substitute for the company's major product.
- A pursuit of the economies of scale through mass production in the belief that lower unit cost will automatically lead to higher consumption and bigger overall profits.
- Preoccupation with the potential of R&D)to the neglect of market needs (i.e. a technology push rather than market pull approach).
- Most of the firms pursuit R&D as a primary goal and most absolute innovations are a result of Research and Development rather than product engineering need to meet the customer needs.
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